Sunday, 9 October 2011

La Vita e Bella, si molto bella...

Italian Cheese Club proved a challenge given the plethora of product and the difficulty in differentiating between seemingly similar flavours and textures. Notwithstanding that, some sublime examples of blue and semi-cooked/hard formaggio reminded us that it's time to turf the plastic-like grated bits of yellow  in the freezer and instead get grating Grana Padano or Gorgonzola Dolce next time there's a hankering for a sublime doughy disc of Margharita or Quattro Formaggio.

O sole mio. Si, see Italian in the Cheese & Wine Page.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Yeah righto, Australian Cheese Again

Yet another 'Strayan cheese night found the Bloc enamoured of the quality and variety of cheese from  our very own cows, sheep and goats.

Favourites included Caprino Goat's and the King Island Black label Cheddar. Matching the briny fare with some superb aromatic whites and delightful stickies left us sickly satisfied and proud to have progressed from our youthful cheesymite days.

Check out the full range under "Australian" on the Cheese & Wine Page.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

'Coffee with Cream' New Page

Coffee with Cream features a number of Melbourne's finest cafes. Keep posted for more photos.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

French Fromage Deux

The crew assembled once more to continue our french odyssey.

Another five fabulous French and french style cheeses were paired with local and French wines. We return to the home of fine fromage and are reminded why cheese in France is a celebrated staple. If only it were unpasteurised.....

Check out the 'Cheese and Wine' page for photos and descriptions.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Monday, 16 May 2011

Gasworks Arts Park: 17th May - June 14th Extended!





Sumptuous Subsistence 

by Chris Samy

'Existing timelessly by virtue of its essence and with humble splendour' - Wiktionary

This collection of limited edition photographs by artist, Chris Samy, is a vivid manifestation of our collective drive for perfection. The images are sweet and sour, savoury and reviving; but above all they acknowledge the human condition in all its glory.

Within the body of work on display at Gasworks’ Angela Robarts-Bird gallery, each image depicts the meticulous efforts of the artisan to create produce that is unique and accessible. From heirlooms to simple roots, the images are imbued with elegance and power and invite the viewer to venture into another world.

Dates: 16 May to 5 June 2011
Opening Night: Tuesday 17 May, 6 to 8pm
Time: daily 9am to 5pm
Enquiries: Tracey McIrvine 03 8606 4200
Venue: Angela Robarts-Bird Gallery, Gasworks Arts Park
More info: